The Enchanting Harmony , A Bouquet of Blush Roses and Ivory Peonies

The Enchanting Harmony is the perfect bouquet for a romantic wedding. Handcrafted with wood sola flowers in blush and ivory, and tied with an ivory ribbon, it is a beautiful blend of romantic roses and elegant peonies.

- Processing Time: Our Sola wood floral arrangements require 2-4 weeks for meticulous crafting and preparation.
- Delivery Time: Once your order is ready, expect delivery within 3-7 days. We strive to ensure your blooms arrive promptly and in perfect condition.

Veils and Accessories (without flowers):
- Processing Time: Veils and accessories without flowers have a processing time of 1 day.
- Delivery Time: Following the quick processing, your order will be delivered within 3-7 days. We prioritize timely shipping to ensure you receive your items promptly.

Please note that delivery times are approximate and may vary depending on the shipping location. We work diligently to process and ship your order as efficiently as possible, striving to bring you the finest products with exceptional service.

Bouquet Sizing Chart